In a Bucharest of great expectations, broken and inflamed by the end of a World War that resuscitated our dignity and nationality, begins the story of the building that over centuries of history would host Scala Hotel.
The today’s metropolis was back then a city where life renewed its pulse. Strolling on the streets of Little Paris? It was an undeniable adventure, one with the flavour of glazed apples, animated by elegant ladies and gallant gentlemen. The first streetcars bells, the bustle of the carriages, the horns of the first automobiles – all this sounds filled the image of an inter-war Bucharest in full expansion of its fame.
In that Bucharest, the doctor Ion Moscu, a first rank figure of that time, the first Romanian medic specialised in Paris, but also the Romanian Patriarch of that time and the Royal House’s medic, builds up the house where now is Scala Hotel. The architectural designs made by the famous architect Gheorghe Simotta, outlined a building predestined for ambient success.
In neo-Romanian style, on a piece of land purchased from the Catargi family, situated on C.A. Rosetti Street, no. 19, it is built one of the most beautiful edifice from Bucharest and from Walachia, preserved until today.
The architect Gh. Simotta, striking personality between the Romanian architects, was formed under the guidance of the architect Petre Antonescu. He became known in architecture, as well as in painting – water color and drawing, his works being very apreciated by the connoisseurs nowadays.
The architectural work of Gh. Simotta has a special place in the Romanian creation context. His buildings wear the finger print of a coherent vision, that we can see from the volumes to the decorations and the finishing details, and clearly, defined by their cut outs in the urban scenery of the today Scala Hotel.
In the beginning, disciple of the neo-Romanian style, Gheorghe Simotta developed a personal style with few Balkan resonances and with influences of the Byzantine Decorative Art (noticeable in the details of ornamental sculpture).
From his most important works we mention the Patriarchate Palace, the Darvari Monastery, the buildings on No.19 C.A. Rosetti Street, No. 31 Magheru Boulevard and No.2 Modrogan Avenue.
Not only Gh. Simotta contribuited to the inestimable value of the building that hosts today this luxury hotel. Important names such as the constructor M. Theodorescu and “the Furniture Manufactory of Mister Laurentiu Lengyel, the provider of His Royal Majesty the King&qout; helped this project come true.